The hate you give by Angie Thomas

Book title                : The hate u give (THUG)

Author                    : Angie Thomas

Aimed at                  : Young adults

Genre                     : Realism

Name of main character    : Starr Carter


Starr Carter, a well off African American teenage girl, attends a prestigious private school along with her fellow students, yet she felt the racial divide when an incident led to the death of one of her closest friends and she witnessed the injustice of his death. Starr realzied very quickly that the freinds you grew up with or went to school with won’t necessarily be able to identify with your struggles if they are of a different race. Racism, injustice and disloyalty are all themes of this book which are vital to the underlying story of police brutality towards the black community. To make matters worse, Starr and her family live in a poor community and the affluent school community start to intimidate her and her family. Her family are firm in what their morals and values are and allow Starr to decide for herself what path she will follow in the aftermath of the police brutality she had witnessed. 

Just my opinion

In m y opinion this book is a must read for every young adult. One can relate to the various characters despite racial differences and base feelings and opinions on one’s own morals and values. This book was also awesome, because it dealt with an interracial relationship which was hard on both parties involved, due to families and friends. I love how the main character brought enough emotion to the feelings which she had experienced towards her friend’s death and I also love how she dealt with her interracial relationship and stayed true to who she is and what she had wanted. 

About the author

The hate u give was Angie Thomas’s debut book in 2017 and was adapted into a movie in 2018 and was even made into an audiobook. Thomas was born in 1988 in Mississipi, where she still resides today. Her second book “On the come up” also ammassed popularity. 

Her official website is:

Thirteen reasons why by Jay Asher

Book title                : Thirteen reasons why

Author                    : Jay Asher

Aimed at                 : Young adults

Genre                     : Realism

Name of main character    : Clay Jensen and Hannah Barker


Thirteen reasons why is a young adult book about a teeanage girl named Hannah Barker and the trails and tribulations that she endured that ultimately lead to her suicide. Hannah had endured being ignored to being the most noticed female in her school, to being ridiculed and bad mouthed. She trusted a certain guy who liked her, however he betrayed her trust and started the bad rumours about her. This book is a reminder that in just an instant one’s whole world can change due to others’ perceptions of others. We also learn that rumours are a dangerous variable which should not have any merit without substantiated proof. 

Just my opinion:

In my opinion this book is amazing, because it is so relatable. We have all gone through the high school phase and might have felt like a loner at some or other time in our lives. Navigating through life constantly worrying about others’ opinions can be daunting and can leave one feeling even more isolated. Luckily Hannah found a true friend in Clay Jensen, a guy in her class. They ended up bonding to a point of starting a meaningful relationship. Despite the relationship, Hannah still felt isolated. She made sure that after her death all those who had a hand in her suicide were notified. She had sent an audio recording to a trusted friend and had instructed the friend to send it along to those she deemed guilty, so that they would understand the thirteen reasons why she felt the need to end her life.

About the author

Jay Asher is 44 years old and resides in California with his wife and child. he is well known for his 2007 book “Thirteen reasons why,” which has gone on to become a popular television series in 2017 on Netflix. Asher has faced solme scandal since his rise as a author and has been accusec of sexual harrassment.

official book website:

Al wat Ek weet (All that I know) by Marita van der Vyver

Book title                                : Al wat Ek weet (All that I know)

Author                                     : Marita van der Vyver

Aimed at                                 : Young adults

Genre                                      : Realism

Name of main character     : Gabriel


Gabriel is a typical fifteen year old adolescent. His life becomes complicated after the death of his mother, who had always been his rock and instilled in him pride in his identity. His loss leads him to question who he is, because he is mixed race and doesn’t quite believe that he fits in anywhere anymore. After their loss, his father seems withdrawn as a result of his own grief and is taken up in an institution for psychological care. Gabriel is obligated to see a psychologist, however he is hesitant to reveal his coping mechanisms to his therapist as they have not been healthy and include self-mutilation. How can anyone possibly know or even begin to understand what he is going through? He finds his answer in therapy and now has a reason to look forward to it. Her nicknames her “Snow White” as she is so fair and delicate. She is captivated by his slam poetry and shares the same appreciation for his talent as his mother had. He begins fantasizing about being Snow White’s knight in shining amour. Only time will tell if this fairytale will have a happy ending.

Just my opinion

This book resonated with me, because it taught me that we all go through loss and tough times in life. However, we are so concerned with our own troubles that we hardly notice that those around us are suffering too. If there is one thing that the book taught me then it would be that we should never judge a book by its cover.  We might feel worthless and inadequate but we are never too broken to help others heal and find a new purpose in life. The book also taught me that we should always strive to follow our passions and remain ambitious at all costs.

About the author

Marita van der Vyver currently resides in France with her family. She has written adult, young adult and picture books. Her very first novel “Entertaining Angels” became a best seller and was translated into twelve languages, which is not uncommon of her works since then. She is originally from Cape Town, South Africa. Her book “Al wat Ek weet” has won her the Kyk-NET Rapport book prize in 2017

For more information on the author feel free to visit:

Video of Marita receiving her award in 2017:

Just my two cents about my top five books from different genres:

Image result for i love books

My favourite type of books are fictitious works. I love getting lost in other worlds and imagining what the characters look, sound, dress and act like. I love how my imagination opens up and creates out of this world environments based on what I read. That is what a great fictitious book can do for you. Sometimes all you need is a good book and an ideal place to read it.

I love all books and I guess the main reason is because books have always been a part of my childhood. Growing up I was priveldged enough to have amassed quite a collection of books and a night time story was just the norm growing up. Being exposed to books at a young age and seeing my parents read also contributed greatly to my passion. I remember growing up and being frustrated that I didn’t have a clue how to read or how to start learning. I pushed myself and often read passing signs as we drove to and from destinations. It became my mission to learn how to read and once I had achieved my goal (well before the required age I might add) there was no stopping me.

The premise is that we start with picture books for toddlers and young children. Picture books usually consist of 32 pages and have illustrations that match the text. They help to develop children cognitively and help to stimulate the imagination. The accompanying pictures could lead children to predict what might happen next sequentially thus contributing to cognitive stimulation. My favourite picture book would have to be Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins. The story is about a silly hen named Rosie, who goes on a walk around the farmyard and makes it back to her coop safely just in time for dinner. She is totally oblivious to the sly fox who is never too far away trying to make a meal of her, but overcomes obstacles each time he tries to catch Rosie. The ironic part of the book is that the text and illustrations do not match and the fox is not mentioned in the title either.

Image result for rosie's walk

As children get older they learn to read and then read to learn. Having had a reading habit in place will enhance a child’s ability to progress at school. As children mature and become young adults they develop a more realistic view on life, their environment and social standing. They would then start to read books with which they can relate, like problem realism books which deal with young adult issues like opposition towards authorities, conflict with parents, relationships with friends, abuse and depression. A realism book which I really enjoyed was an Afrikaans teenage book titled Asem (“Breath”) by ,South African author, Jan Vermeulen. The protagonist, Barries, deals with every conceivable situation which teenagers could go through. He gets into trouble with the law, has a difficult relationship with his parents and other characters, has love conflicts and ultimately has to choose which path he wants to follow in life. It was a great read because it resonated with me and took me back to my teenage years. What I loved the most about the book is the fact that he makes three very unlikely friends with whom he shares special bonds. Two are positive towards his development and help to ensure that his values and morals are in place, while the later leads him to make poor life choices. We have all experienced peer pressure and made friends with unlikely individuals who end up being just what we needed in life.


Reading about other cultures and periods in time gives us insight into how life used to be and how different people around the world lived up until today. The one historical novel which resonated with me the most was Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I love how vain Pip became once he reached his goal of becoming a gentleman in order to win Estella’s affection. The book taught me not to make outward appearances a priority but to rather look for beautiful characteristics within ourselves and others. Furthermore, that we shouldn’t reply upon our own assumptions to assess situations. Pip believed that Miss Havisham had been his benefactor all those years, but it turned out to be the ex- convict, Magwitch, from his childhood. The main theme was perception versus reality.

Teaching Great Expectations

How boring would life be without fantasy fiction? An all time favourite of mine has to be the first book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. After discovering that he is a wizard, Harry is sent to Hogwarts wizardry school where he makes friends, enemies, is loved, hated and almost killed. Great fantasy books transport us to other worlds and Hogwarts seemed pretty real to me with intricate details about how the building, rooms, classrooms and bedrooms looked. The good guys and bad guys were not always easy to differentiate and that is what gripped me.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

My favourite non-fiction book has to be Steve Harvey’s relationship advice book titled Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. What I love the most about Steve Harvey is that he is honest and real. He revealed many tips which men would rather not have us know, like how to spot a player and how long one should wait before becoming intimate and finding out if a guy is really serious about you. The book helped me to realize that I need to set standards for myself and my relationship and that if those standards are not met then it could be time to move on. Deal breakers were my favourite part of the book, it detailed realistic reasons to break up or stay with a partner. I feel like men and women should read it.

When reading we gain knowledge and knowledge is power. What do we have to lose by enriching our minds? I would definately encourage you to read atleast one book from various genres and sub genres, you might just find that you enjoy it!

The Giver by Lois Lowry

Book title                           :   The Giver (Quartet)

Author                                :   Lois lowry

Aimed at                             :   Adolescents between 11-18

Genre                                 :  Dystopian Fiction

Name of main character:   Jonas


Jonas lives in The Community and in The Community there is a perfect system put in place where family units are established, consisting of a mother, father, one boy and one girl. Names are assigned, food and snack distribution is established and job assignments as well as living arrangements are depicted which stem down to purposeful furniture are all chosen by the Elders. They are constantly watching over the Community, especially the little ones, because their responsibilities are to place all citizens in the correct work and home environment. To them Sameness is key.  Any problematic citizens get released. Jonas is nervous for his assignment and as the day draws near for him to hear his fate he is passed over for an assignment and the whole Community is shook. Will Jonas be able to handle the blow that he had been dealt and will he be able to make a difference in his community?

Just my opinion

This book is amazing and was written in 1993, the film adaptation was released in 2014 . The story draws the reader in and transports one to another world. Jonas is assigned the highest honour ever with the job assignment he had been given. He is now the Receiver of Memories. With great power comes great responsibility and Jonas soon learns that. He notices how his friends and family start treating him differently and seem to pry for insight into his new world. He soon starts to question the system of Sameness and is set on ensuring that the community also gets to share his experiences of what once was before Sameness wiped out differences and life’s little pleasures and displeasures. I have not yet read the other three books in the quartet. The quartet books are titled: The Giver; Gathering Blue; Messenger and Son, however I do plan to.

This book will resonate with adolescents between the ages of about 11-18 years of age. The themes in the book of trust and mistrust, following rules and questioning authority figures are all factors which adolescent have to deal with daily. This book will have one rooting for the main protagonist, Jonas, as he faces tough decisions which have to be made by him. The toughest of all would be whether or not to leave the system of Sameness in place or whether he should take a leap of faith and trust his instinct to do what he knows be the right decision for everyone even though they do not know it yet.

About the author

Lois Lowry is an American author. She has 45 children’s books and two Newbery  Medals under her name. Her most popular books include :

The Giver ; Number the Stars ; Gathering Blue ; Messenger ; Gooney Bird Greene

Awards, nominations, and recognition

Guru Guru Pon-Chan (Manga series)

Book title                           :   Guru Guru Pon-Chan (Manga series)

Author                                :   Satomi Ikezawa

Aimed at                            :   Teenagers and adults

Genre                                 :  Manga/ Comic Book

Name of main character:    Ponta also known as Pon-Chan


Ponta is the Koizumi family’s  cheerful and playful yellow  Labrador puppy.  One day Ponta’s main owner  Ojii-Chama cooks up another one of his crazy inventions, he names it the “chit-chat bone” and hopes that with just one lick any animal will be able to speak the human language instantaneously. He got way more than he bargained for, because the bone happened to turn his his beloved puppy into a human child. Once in human form Ponta starts to adapt to her new world. She soon learns about school, love, jealousy and rivalry.

Just my opinion

Ponta’s love and loyalty for Mirai will make you fall in love with dogs all over again. They really are man’s best friend and are loyal to a fault. Mirai does not always treat Ponta as fairly as she should be treated and a new guy soon steps on the scene to vie for her affection. It only gets better and crazier from there. I don’t want to give too much away. It was the first Manga (Japanese Comic Books) that I have read and I took a leap of faith to try it and really enjoyed it. The Library where I work has the first three books in the series, I’ve read them all and now I am hooked. I will definitely be checking which other libraries have the other six books in the series. I will also be reading all the Comic Books and Graphic Novels which I have previously been ignoring in the library. Why didn’t I discover how fun this was sooner?

I recently wen t on a three day workshop to gain more insight into Children and Youth Literature. One of the topics covered were Graphic Novels and Comic Books for all age groups. I learned to appreciate the positive effects which such simple text and illustrations could have for not only me but for any reader. Graphic Novels encourage reluctant children and adults alike to read, by looking at the pictures they get an insight into what the story is about and that increases their curiosity to continue reading and get the full picture and best of all they are quick reads. I read all three books each on a different day, so it was three books in three days. When I had completed the one book I immediately started on the other. These books gripped me so much that after each chapter I had to simply stop, take a deep breath and brace myself for what was to come next. Now I don’t know about you but to me that is a clear indicator that the book is great and had gotten me hook line and sinker.

About the author

Satomi Ikezawa is a Japanese manga artist. She received the Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo for Guru Guru Pon-chan in 2000.

Satomi Ikezawa’s other works include:

A stranger in the house

Book title                           :   A stranger in the house

Author                                :   Shari Lapena

Aimed at                            :   Adults

Genre                                  :   Thriller/ suspense

Name of main character:    Karen Krupp


Karen and Tom Krupp are happily married for about a year now and are still stuck in the honeymoon phase. One day Tom comes home to find the front door unlocked, he also finds his wife’s bag, phone and ID which she never leaves behind. Tom finds it highly alarming because his wife is very particular and always makes sure she has her most valued possessions and that everything is in place to the last minute detail. Tom decides to wait a few hours in the hopes that his wife might show up with a reasonable explanation. His wait is in vain so he decides to phone the police to report his wife missing. Tom had just gotten off the phone with the police when an officer knocked on the front door. Fearing the worst he lets the officer in and is notified that his wife had been in a car accident and is in hospital. At the scene of the crash a body had been discovered. He soon finds out that his wife has amnesia and cannot remember the events which occurred right before and right after the accident. The two detectives do not buy her story and find it very convenient. Is Karen really as innocent as Tom hopes she is or does she have a few skeletons in her closet? Throw a nosy intruder, unlikely evidence and two reluctant detectives into the mix and this makes for one great thriller which will have you scratching your head around every twist and turn.

Just my opinion

I am an Assistant Librarian and this book was recommended to me by one of our regular patrons and I thought why not give this genre and author a try? I was hooked on every page and could not put the book down, I literally read it chapter by chapter if I had to leave to do something (like work, school or cook). The pages turned themselves and had me up for two nights in a row. I completed the book in two days and it did not disappoint. Usually one can predict the plot and outcomes as one reads but this books had a catch at every single turn. Whatever you are thinking while reading forget it, something better is about to happen. I did a book discussion on A stranger in the house at work and I recommend it to as many patrons as I possibly can.

About the author

Shari Lapena is Canadian, born in 1960. She was a lawyer and teacher before turning to writing. She has six books under her belt thus far. The first book was released in 2008 and her most recent book was released this year in 2019.

2008- Things go flying

2011- Happiness Economics

2016- The Couple Next Door

2017- A stranger in the house

2018- An unwanted guest

2019- Someone we know- A Novel                                                  



Keeping Mum

Book title                            :   Keeping Mum

Author                                 :   Jill Atkins

Aimed at                             :   Teenagers

Genre                                    :   Modern Problem Realism

Name of main character :    Abbi


Abbi is a sad unfriendly teen. Not by choice but by circumstance. She is forced to be wise beyond her age and is very cautious not to draw too much attention to herself lest someone starts asking questions. She is brave in her efforts to conceal a secret which could possibly mean being separated from her family.  She is a timid leader who doesn’t want separation, especially not from her little brother, Joe. Life feels like a nightmare to Abbi, especially at school where a group of girls just won’t leave her alone because to them she seems different and acts strange. Her teacher does not help the matter neither, because Abbi is constantly late for school and hardly ever does her homework so she is on her radar and not in a good way. Abbi can’t help but wonder if anyone else is experiencing what she is currently going through and often wonders what people will think or say about her should the secret ever be exposed. She develops an important friendship with a very unlikely character and it seems to be the turning-point in her life.

Just my opinion

The reason this book stood out for me was because it actually tackles a realistic issue which many teenagers unfortunately face on a daily basis. We are fortunate to be living in an era where subjects once perceived as taboo are now openly spoken about, seen and written about. To me Keeping Mum evokes feelings of empathy and had me rooting for Abbi at every turn, because although every conceivable curveball is hurled her way, yet she finds ways of dealing with them. Like most teenagers she has to deal with her parents, siblings and life at school- which can be daunting and come with challenges of their own. It is already a confusing time in Abbi’s life as she is at an awkward stage in life-which is the teenage years- where physical, mental and social changes are occurring rapidly and simultaneously.

About the author (in her own words):

“Jill Atkins

Escaped teacher, now writing for children with 46 books published so far, ranging from early reading material to teenage novels. I’ve written 4 books for Franklin Watts, 4 for Wayland and one for Hodder.

I’m married with two grown up children and five grandchildren, no pets, though I used to have three beautiful cats, guinea pigs and rabbits. When I was a child, we kept chickens and I loved them, too.

I always have my nose in a book. I read both adult’s and children’s books. My favourite children’s books include The Railway Children by E Nesbit, Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson, River on the Say by Philippa Pearce. My adult reading varies from Charles Dickens to many modern authors. I enjoy listening to music, classical, jazz and some pop.”